Here’s to The Wombats

As is now apparent my previous prediction that this endeavour would be a total flump was about 98% accurate. I know I have not written for a while… BUT here I am !! First of February and typing away … Congratulations AL.

I must admit that the reason for me writing this is not that I had a sudden urge of regret that I was failing my resolution, it was instead that I have simply had a naff day, I’m sure like many others out there, and I have decided that now is the correct time to complain about it. It might help … Who knows?. Anyway, let’s go.

I am going to admit something now … For or a long time my hero, role model, and saviour has been Bridget Jones.. I know shocker !! Probably the same as every teenge girl out there. She was just so me, every bumble she made seemed to perfectly reflect 10 of my own I would convince myself that if she could, I could. Here in lies the problem, not the glaringly obvious one which is that Bridget Jones is in fact a work of fiction. But the more deepset problem, that the whole conundrum would never occur. Bridget somehow always manages to get they guy against all adversity, which to be brutally is possibly highly unlikely to happen. I get it pessimistic twenty year old, having a rant, but it’s absolutly true. To paraphrase The Wombats, Life is no Bridget Jones.

I should probably explain where some of this relationship angst is coming from im just not sure I’m 100% ready to broadcast that to the Internet yet. So instead I shall continue to wallo in self pity and wonder what on earth is wrong with me. I think it may be genetic. Both me and my brother are complete and utter fuck ups when it comes to relationships. neither of us are bad looking, we are not fat or underweight, we are both intelligent to an extent and without sounding like a royal twat we are quite nice when you get to know us. Sure stick either us in a room with a bunch of people we don’t know and we will turn into something that resembles a highly strung rabbit, twitchy, nervous and irritating but get past that and both of us are totally normal … Ish

Al.’s relationship grumbles:

– if you are not interested just tell me, I will be a dam sight less offended than if you continue talking to me out of what I can only guess must be pity

– what on earth is with the whole ‘ooh I must not text back to soon’ thing. Stop it your being a wanker, if there is a reason fair enough I, not needy but at the same time if you don’t want to talk just say I would rather be told

– don’t sting me along if you have a girlfriend

to sign off this post… God know what just happened above, I apologise if you read that trash.. I really wouldn’t bother next time, it’s probably only going to get worse

With deepest sympathy


What is AL. really about ?

Well day two, the second of January 2015, and I have left it to 9:50 pm to start this entry, enthusiasm is apparently tapering five days quicker than predicted. But hey I shall continue. So I came to realise that if anyone at all were to be interested in my life it may be of some use to explain who I am. (I would like to thank you by the way, you beautiful singularity, you incredible enigma of a person for reading this… oh god AL. you have no idea what you are talking about)

I guess I should start with who I am, which is probably going to be slightly more challenging than I first initially believed it would be. I mean how does one go about explaining who they are without telling exactly who they are? Im not entirely sure why I am so caught up in the idea that i remain anonymous, I highly doubt that this will go global. However as I have every intention of using this blog as a diary substitute on which I can share my ramblings and musings about the very personal intimate matters of my life, I think for the moment at least I would prefer it that way. So AL. i shall remain!

I will begin. I am twenty, a student of History and possibly the epitome of a middle class British girl. I like food a bit too much, I like exercise a little too little, you will normally find me with a pair of headphones dangling around my neck and I am horrendous at spelling ( if you haven’t already noticed this you will very shortly I promise you, I can only offer my sincerest apologies, I used to cheat on my primary school spelling tests and now karma has come back to bite me in the arse). Home is a rundown seaside town on the east cost of the beautiful country that is England, here live my Mum, Dad and Brother, as sad and a cliche as it is we are a pretty happy family.The are loads of seagulls an a nice beach that I would probably frequent in the long Uni summer holiday if it did not rain so much. Second home is Birmingham, where it rains more, it is bigger, uglier and upon arriving as a perky faced fresher I was completely out of place. However I have now conquered it and am practically a local, apart from the accent which I pray that I will not be unfortunate enough to pick up. I live in a house with four other girls, I force myself to frequent the university gym, and the rest of the time i normally can be found floundering under a pile of books in the library. Welcome to my life, interesting is it not ? I bet your utterly hooked !!

It gets better.. Honest .. this is just the start ! I shall leave this here as I really fancy watching the regional BBC news, what a thrilling life I lead. I bet your glad you spent 2 minutes reading the last 514 words to get to that conclusion.

Yours AL.

Of to a flying start

I have bullied myself into this. On the 31st of December I, not at all influenced by the copious amounts of mojito intermingled in my blood, decided like many others to make a new years resolution, in fact I made two.

1) Start a blog.

How original AL, I am continually unimpressed by my ability to do what others have done many times before. However after promising and failing in previous years to attempt other stereotypical resolutions .. keep a diary, be more complementary to others, eat healthier … and already owning a gym membership this is the next project of mine. It will almost inevitably be my brain child and most cherished past time for about a week and then, when the ridiculous optimism that this blog will be be a raging success and people will love and avidly read it is crushed it will be quickly forgotten about and discarded, in the same way others in a couple of months will bury their gym kit in the back of their wardrobe or carelessly toss their weight loss books, leaflets and recipes in the bin.

I do not intend to pretend I have any idea how to proceed with my latest endeavour, or what indeed I will write about,but so far its a start! I am not failing! GO AL first of January done … now onto resolution 2