Here’s to The Wombats

As is now apparent my previous prediction that this endeavour would be a total flump was about 98% accurate. I know I have not written for a while… BUT here I am !! First of February and typing away … Congratulations AL.

I must admit that the reason for me writing this is not that I had a sudden urge of regret that I was failing my resolution, it was instead that I have simply had a naff day, I’m sure like many others out there, and I have decided that now is the correct time to complain about it. It might help … Who knows?. Anyway, let’s go.

I am going to admit something now … For or a long time my hero, role model, and saviour has been Bridget Jones.. I know shocker !! Probably the same as every teenge girl out there. She was just so me, every bumble she made seemed to perfectly reflect 10 of my own I would convince myself that if she could, I could. Here in lies the problem, not the glaringly obvious one which is that Bridget Jones is in fact a work of fiction. But the more deepset problem, that the whole conundrum would never occur. Bridget somehow always manages to get they guy against all adversity, which to be brutally is possibly highly unlikely to happen. I get it pessimistic twenty year old, having a rant, but it’s absolutly true. To paraphrase The Wombats, Life is no Bridget Jones.

I should probably explain where some of this relationship angst is coming from im just not sure I’m 100% ready to broadcast that to the Internet yet. So instead I shall continue to wallo in self pity and wonder what on earth is wrong with me. I think it may be genetic. Both me and my brother are complete and utter fuck ups when it comes to relationships. neither of us are bad looking, we are not fat or underweight, we are both intelligent to an extent and without sounding like a royal twat we are quite nice when you get to know us. Sure stick either us in a room with a bunch of people we don’t know and we will turn into something that resembles a highly strung rabbit, twitchy, nervous and irritating but get past that and both of us are totally normal … Ish

Al.’s relationship grumbles:

– if you are not interested just tell me, I will be a dam sight less offended than if you continue talking to me out of what I can only guess must be pity

– what on earth is with the whole ‘ooh I must not text back to soon’ thing. Stop it your being a wanker, if there is a reason fair enough I, not needy but at the same time if you don’t want to talk just say I would rather be told

– don’t sting me along if you have a girlfriend

to sign off this post… God know what just happened above, I apologise if you read that trash.. I really wouldn’t bother next time, it’s probably only going to get worse

With deepest sympathy


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